Thin ribbons of fried dough or strips having the thickness of a pencil… They are crunchy but fragile and melt in the mouth. It’s quite easy to make them; you just need flour and water or orange juice and sometimes…
Christmas is a feast but the days leading up to it are the 40 days Fast. Though this Fast is not so severe as the Lent before Easter it also includes days of strict fasting and days of abstinence from…
Still summer…. the tomato- plants still bear gorgeous, sweet and full flavored red fruits. You can eat them plain, of course, or make a home- made sun –dried tomato paste. Choose 3 kilos vine-ripened tomatoes, cut them into pieces, sprinkle with…
MANOURI is one of the joys of Greek cheese production. The word derives from the ancient Greek manos (tyros)= light, not hard (cheese) and highlights the cheese’s old origin. A good manouri is an exceptional fresh Greek cheese. It has…
Noah’s pudding or ashure is made by Muslim, Christian and Jewish people of Middle East in remebrance of the salvation of Noah and his family from the Biblical flood. Since they had spent many days and nights in the Ark…