Since ancient times, the pomegranate has symbolized luck, fertility, abundance, life, and rebirth thus it is frequently encountered in ancient Greek cult and art. There is an interesting article about the origin of the pomegranate vase. If you would like to…
Beekeeping in the Mediterranean from antiquity to the present
This very interesting book was published in 2017, as a result of the first International Beekeeping Symposium on Cyclades. Historians, archaeologists, agronomists, beekeepers, etc., from Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and the Mediterranean in general, covered 4.000 years of beekeeping practice and…

A brief history of feta cheese
For the article, visit Feta, Mariana Kavroulaki – TML Magazine Issue 10

Quince in honey
“ And Melomeli, which also is called Cydonomeli (quince honey) is made as follows. The quinces with their seeds removed, are put into good store of honey, so that they are covered. This becomes good after a year, being…

The Justinianic plague
On 541 AD a plague broke out in the Byzantine empire. According to the Byzantine historian Procopius, the best primary source of the period, the epidemic appears to have begun around the port of Pelusion, near Suez in Egypt. ”Then it divided…